Monthly Financial Reports
In 2024, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 187,146 | 145,299 | 41,847 | 28.80 | 187,146 | 145,299 | 41,847 | 28.80 |
2 | 168,654 | 123,540 | 45,114 | 36.52 | 355,800 | 268,839 | 86,961 | 32.35 |
3 | 144,012 | 220,329 | (76,317) | (34.64) | 499,812 | 489,168 | 10,644 | 2.18 |
4 | 210,524 | 187,425 | 23,099 | 12.32 | 710,336 | 676,593 | 33,743 | 4.99 |
5 | 198,624 | 434,337 | (235,713) | (54.27) | 908,960 | 1,110,930 | (201,970) | (18.18)(Note 1) |
6 | 187,040 | 156,075 | 30,965 | 19.84 | 1,096,000 | 1,267,005 | (171,005) | (13.50) |
7 | 188,910 | 129,293 | 59,617 | 46.11 | 1,284,910 | 1,396,298 | (111,388) | (7.98) |
8 | 146,640 | 199,391 | (52,751) | (26.46) | 1,431,550 | 1,595,689 | (164,139) | (10.29) |
9 | 205,182 | 155,840 | 49,342 | 31.66 | 1,636,732 | 1,751,529 | (114,797) | (6.55) |
10 | 136,237 | 254,908 | (118,671) | (46.55) | 1,772,969 | 2,006,437 | (233,468) | (11.64) |
11 | 173,888 | 182,845 | (8,957) | (4.90) | 1,946,857 | 2,189,282 | (242,425) | (11.07) |
12 | 299,395 | 149,089 | 150,306 | 100.82 | 2,246,252 | 2,338,371 | (92,119) | (3.94)(Note 2) |
Note 1:A large project was completed and revenue was recognized during the same period last year. Note 2:A large project was completed and revenue was recognized in this month. |
In 2023, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
In thousands of New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), expressed in units.
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 145,299 | 186,204 | (40,905) | (22) | 145,299 | 186,204 | (40,905) | (22) |
2 | 123,540 | 132,089 | (8,549) | (6.47) | 268,839 | 318,293 | (49,454) | (15.54) |
3 | 220,329 | 204,020 | 16,309 | 7.99 | 489,168 | 522,313 | (33,145) | (6.35) |
4 | 187,425 | 153,887 | 33,538 | 21.79 | 676,593 | 676,200 | 393 | 0.06 |
5 | 434,337 | 186,493 | 247,844 | 132.90 | 1,110,930 | 862,693 | 248,237 | 28.77 |
6 | 156,075 | 178,199 | (22,124) | (12.42) | 1,267,005 | 1,040,892 | 226,113 | 21.72 |
7 | 129,293 | 155,200 | (25,907) | (16.69) | 1,396,298 | 1,196,092 | 200,206 | 16.74 |
8 | 199,391 | 185,864 | 13,527 | 7.28 | 1,595,689 | 1,381,956 | 213,733 | 15.47 |
9 | 155,840 | 236,647 | (80,807) | (34.15) | 1,751,529 | 1,618,603 | 132,926 | 8.21 |
10 | 254,908 | 176,053 | 78,855 | 44.79 | 2,006,473 | 1,794,656 | 211,781 | 11.80 |
11 | 182,845 | 214,384 | (31,539) | (14.71) | 2,189,282 | 2,009,040 | 180,242 | 8.97 |
12 | 149,089 | 260,993 | (111,904) | (42.88) | 2,338,371 | 2,270,033 | 68,338 | 3.01 |
In 2022, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
In thousands of New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), expressed in units.
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 186,204 | 191,072 | (4,868) | (3) | 186,204 | 191,072 | (4,868) | (3) |
2 | 132,089 | 136,224 | (4,135) | (3.04) | 318,293 | 327,296 | (9,003) | (2.75) |
3 | 204,020 | 207,303 | (3,283) | (1.58) | 522,313 | 534,599 | (12,286) | (2.30) |
4 | 153,887 | 226,481 | (72,594) | (32.05) | 676,200 | 761,080 | (84,880) | (11.15) |
5 | 186,493 | 161,987 | 24,506 | 15.13 | 862,693 | 923,067 | (60,374) | (6.54) |
6 | 178,199 | 145,487 | 32,712 | 22.48 | 1,040,892 | 1,068,554 | (27,662) | (2.59) |
7 | 155,200 | 184,115 | (28,915) | (15.70) | 1,196,092 | 1,252,669 | (56,577) | (4.52) |
8 | 185,864 | 166,050 | 19,814 | 11.93 | 1,381,956 | 1,418,719 | (36,763) | (2.59) |
9 | 236,647 | 161,825 | 74,822 | 46.24 | 1,618,603 | 1,580,544 | 38,059 | 2.41 |
10 | 176,053 | 126,486 | 49,567 | 39.19 | 1,794,656 | 1,707,030 | 87,626 | 5.13 |
11 | 214,384 | 217,247 | (2,863) | (1.32) | 2,009,040 | 1,924,277 | 84,763 | 4.40 |
12 | 260,993 | 224,226 | 36,767 | 16.40 | 2,270,033 | 2,148,503 | 121,530 | 5.66 |
In 2021, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
In thousands of New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), expressed in units.
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 191,072 | 188,630 | 2,442 | 1 | 191,072 | 188,630 | 2,442 | 1 |
2 | 136,224 | 220,755 | (84,531) | (38.29) | 327,296 | 409,385 | (82,089) | (20.05) |
3 | 207,303 | 128,088 | 79,215 | 61.84 | 534,599 | 537,473 | (2,874) | (0.53) |
4 | 226,481 | 162,323 | 64,158 | 39.52 | 761,080 | 699,796 | 61,284 | 8.76 |
5 | 161,987 | 157,256 | 4,731 | 3.01 | 923,067 | 857,052 | 66,015 | 7.70 |
6 | 145,487 | 143,241 | 2,246 | 1.57 | 1,068,554 | 1,000,293 | 68,261 | 6.82 |
7 | 184,115 | 212,289 | (28,174) | (13.27) | 1,252,669 | 1,212,582 | 40,087 | 3.31 |
8 | 166,050 | 246,214 | (80,164) | (32.56) | 1,418,719 | 1,458,796 | (40,077) | (2.75) |
9 | 161,825 | 216,040 | (54,215) | (25.09) | 1,580,544 | 1,674,836 | (94,292) | (5.63) |
10 | 126,486 | 135,853 | (9,367) | (6.89) | 1,707,030 | 1,810,689 | (103,659) | (5.72) |
11 | 217,247 | 144,041 | 73,206 | 50.82 | 1,924,277 | 1,954,730 | (30,453) | (1.56) |
12 | 224,226 | 206,268 | 17,958 | 8.71 | 2,148,503 | 2,160,998 | (12,495) | (0.58) |
In 2020, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
In thousands of New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), expressed in units.
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 188,630 | 112,149 | 76,481 | 68 | 188,630 | 112,149 | 76,481 | 68 |
2 | 220,755 | 109,292 | 111,463 | 101.99 | 409,385 | 221,441 | 187,944 | 84.87 |
3 | 128,088 | 169,755 | (41,667) | (24.55) | 537,473 | 391,196 | 146,277 | 37.39 |
4 | 162,323 | 171,278 | (8,955) | (5.23) | 699,796 | 562,474 | 137,322 | 24.41 |
5 | 157,256 | 122,944 | 34,312 | 27.91 | 857,052 | 685,418 | 171,634 | 25.04 |
6 | 143,241 | 158,035 | (14,794) | (9.36) | 1,000,293 | 843,453 | 156,840 | 18.59 |
7 | 212,289 | 199,973 | 12,316 | 6.16 | 1,212,582 | 1,043,426 | 169,156 | 16.21 |
8 | 246,214 | 189,241 | 56,973 | 30.11 | 1,458,796 | 1,232,667 | 226,129 | 18.34 |
9 | 216,040 | 226,089 | (10,049) | (4.44) | 1,674,836 | 1,458,756 | 216,080 | 14.81 |
10 | 135,853 | 228,512 | (92,659) | (40.55) | 1,810,689 | 1,687,268 | 123,421 | 7.31 |
11 | 144,041 | 239,796 | (95,755) | (39.93) | 1,954,730 | 1,927,064 | 27,666 | 1.44 |
12 | 206,268 | 292,877 | (86,609) | (29.57) | 2,160,998 | 2,219,941 | (58,943) | (2.66) |
In 2019, FIS realized increased consolidated operating revenue through successful mergers
In thousands of New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), expressed in units.
Month |
This |
Same period last year |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage of increase or decrease |
Year-to-date revenue |
Last year’s cumulative total |
The amount of increase or decrease |
The percentage |
1 | 112,149 | 108,798 | 3,351 | 3 | 112,149 | 108,798 | 3,351 | 3 |
2 | 109,292 | 75,005 | 34,287 | 45.71 | 221,441 | 183,803 | 37,638 | 20.48 |
3 | 169,755 | 156,853 | 12,902 | 8.23 | 391,196 | 340,656 | 50,540 | 14.84 |
4 | 171,278 | 136,535 | 34,743 | 25.45 | 562,474 | 477,191 | 85,283 | 17.87 |
5 | 122,944 | 117,423 | 117,423 | 4.70 | 685,418 | 594,614 | 90,804 | 15.27 |
6 | 158,035 | 124,131 | 33,904 | 27.31 | 843,453 | 718,745 | 124,708 | 17.35 |
7 | 199,973 | 199,973 | 80,835 | 67.85 | 1,043,426 | 837,883 | 205,543 | 24.53 |
8 | 189,241 | 139,281 | 139,281 | 35.87 | 1,232,667 | 977,164 | 255,503 | 26.15 |
9 | 226,089 | 259,939 | (33,850) | (13.02) | 1,458,756 | 1,237,103 | 221,653 | 17.92 |
10 | 228,512 | 150,301 | 78,211 | 52.04 | 1,687,268 | 1,387,404 | 299,864 | 21.61 |
11 | 239,796 | 147,884 | 91,912 | 62.15 | 1,927,064 | 1,535,288 | 391,776 | 25.52 |
12 | 292,877 | 123,435 | 169,442 | 137.27 | 2,219,941 | 1,658,723 | 561,218 | 33.83 |
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Monthly operating income report
“Stock code:2468
Query path:MOPS / Operating Statements/ Monthly Operating Revenue / Statement of Operating Revenue(after adopting IFRSs) (Stock code:2468→Year →Month→Search)